On the Backs of Children: U.S. Complicit in Human Trafficking
“It is not permissible for us to go on destroying the family life when we know that we are destroying it.”
Pay attention when the administration won’t let officials take photos or talk to the press. It’s a sure sign of a catastrophe in the making. An ignorant public is a compliant public.
Despite the administration’s widespread censorship of information, photos and news about these smuggled children, and a few details are leaking out through various sources.
Make no mistake about it the 90,000 unaccompanied minors who are being smuggled into our southern border are here to stay. The federal law mandates it. As every human trafficking expert knows, porous borders facilitate human trafficking, and our doors have swung wide open ushering in the most unimaginable child humanity crisis ever known in the U.S. history. This man-made disaster should never have occurred in America. Endangering children, at the expense of a political agenda is supposed to happen in third world countries where unsecured borders encourage the migration of vulnerable children during civil war or famine.
What are the clueless U.S. diplomats doing in Central America?
U.S. diplomats working in foreign countries are the eyes and ears of the U.S. government as outlined in the State Department website: “Mission staff report on political and economic issues that affect bilateral relations and possibly impact the U.S. directly.” How about alerting the Secretary of State about the tens of thousands of foreign children being smuggled to the U.S. by criminal cartels? Sounds like an economic issue that would impact the U.S. directly.
Is this catastrophe, yet another the Benghazi Boondoggle?
Did U.S. personnel in Central America send urgent cables to the State Department regarding these security issues, which went unanswered and ignored? How did our government not know that this was happening? The answer is either incompetence or collusion. Are administration officials exploiting innocent and vulnerable children whose parents recklessly and ignorantly hand them over to criminal smugglers to achieve a political aim? On the backs of helpless children?
The financial and human cost to the United States will reverberate for generations, if this child smuggling isn’t stopped now.
These trafficked children are on the federal tax rolls already. Over $1 billion in emergency federal aid has been transferred to facilities to feed and house them, but it is just a drop in proverbial federal bucket. Ultimately, these smuggled children will become foster children with State courts declaring and adjudicating them “abandoned” by their parents or “dependents” on the State. In the meantime, during this complicated and elaborate legal process, the children will be assigned free legal representation, as the already overburdened legal system tries to locate foreign birth certificates, parents, medical and educational records. While this highly complicated and elaborate legal process continues, the children will be housed in detention centers and be fed, educated, and given extensive medical and if needed, psychological care.
Here are a few facts which illustrate the financial and personal costs of the summer smuggling tsunami.
Every year in the U.S. 40,000 abused and neglected children enter foster care. Foster care costs the federal government (not including state costs) nearly $22 billion a year which computes to $40,000 per child. With the unanticipated influx of the smuggled children of Central America, the number of children entering into foster care has increased 200%. You do the math.
Today, the taxpayers of California care for 60,000 children in foster care. News reports have leaked out that thousands of the new influx of smuggled children are now moving into military bases and other facilities in California, Texas and Arizona. Get ready, California, Arizona, Texas! Your foster care population is going to explode.
It’s reported that some of these children have been sexually abused by their traffickers and already falling victims to sex trafficking rings. This tragic and avoidable disaster should hardly be a surprise to the administration. Sex trafficking is big business for smugglers, cartels, and organized crime. Human trafficking generates $32 billion worldwide. With the welcome sign on the southern U.S. border, traffickers take advantage of poor vulnerable families and innocent children to create a new pool of sex victims. When laws are not enforced and borders are not secure, criminals fill the void by exploiting weaknesses and opportunities to commit crimes and make money.
The cost to taxpayers will be staggering, ever increasing, and long term. Yet, the more disturbing trend will be the chaos on American streets. Foreign born children, abandoned by their parents, into the hands of strangers, many of whom are criminal smugglers who make money exploiting vulnerable humans, who travel over a thousand miles to a strange country, living among strangers, are severely traumatized children. These traumatized and abandoned children are without any familiar people, things, or places. It is inevitable that their lives will not be better for having been abandoned by their parents. These children will experience the same problems plaguing American children in foster care.
Expect these conditions, and more, for the smuggled and abandoned children of Central America:
Nearly half of all children in foster are have chronic medical problems.
About half of children under 5 years old have developmental delays.
Up to 80% of all children in foster care have serious emotional problems.
A recent study of arrested youth in prostituted found that nearly 60% had spent time in foster care.
50-80% of commercially exploited children had been involved with the child welfare system.
So hang on to your hat and wallet, America! The transformation of American into a Third World Country that facilitates human trafficking is underway. Not much to do but cry, for our beloved country.