Archbishop Vigano, A Prophet in our Time.

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Here is Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s general outline for a battle plan to defeat the Great Reset of the New World Order. Appropriately, his interview was conducted for Steve Bannon’s WarRoom media platform.

Catholics are charged, both individually, and collectively, to resist the deceitful agenda of the global elites and their ecclesiastic partners. The Resistance Strategy, while still amorphous, will be gradually unveiled by the Holy Spirit, through a resounding and sustained commitment to prayer and fasting by all Catholics.

Archbishop Vigano describes in detail the enemy’s tactics and personnel. His amazing prescience has already been confirmed in the first two months of the Biden regime.

Heed Vigano’s warning, take up spiritual arms, and organize the faithful troops:

I simply consider who Trump’s adversary is and his numerous ties to China, the deep state, and the advocates of globalist ideology. I think of his intention to condemn us all to wear masks, as he has candidly admitted.” 

“Biden is only a puppet in the hands of the elite, who are ready to remove him as soon they decide to replace him with Kamala Harris.” 

“It would be an irreparable disaster if Joe Biden, who is heavily suspected of being complicit with the Chinese dictatorship, would be designated as President of the United States.”

A President who is simply proclaimed as such by the mainstream media affiliated with the deep state would be deprived of all legitimacy and would expose the nation to dangerous foreign interference, as has already been shown to have happened in the current election.”

(w)e have the deep state of the self-styled Catholic Joe Biden, who is subservient to the globalist ideology and its perverse, anti-human, antichristic, infernal agenda.” 

the nature of the corruption and crimes that these men have carried out, thereby making themselves vulnerable to blackmail, just as happens in a similar way in the political field to members of the deep state, beginning with Biden himself.”

What must Catholics do to fight the Great Reset?


American Catholics still have time to denounce this global subversion and stop the establishment of the New Order: let them think about what sort of future they want for the coming generations, and of the destruction of society.”

Let them think about the responsibility that they have before God, their children, and their nation: as Catholics, as fathers and mothers of their families, and as patriots.”

Each one of us has a role that Providence has entrusted to us, and which it would be culpable to shrink from. If the United States misses this opportunity, now, it will be wiped out from History. If it allows the idea to spread among the masses that the electoral choice of the citizens – the first expression of democracy – can be manipulated and thwarted, it will be complicit in the fraud, and will certainly deserve the execration of the entire world, which looks to America as a nation which has fought for and defended its freedom.”

“We must all become aware of how much the proponents of the New World Order and the Great Reset hate the inalienable values of our Greco-Christian civilization, such as Religion, the family, respect for life and the inviolable rights of the human person, and national sovereignty.”

“In order to bring down the deep state and the deep church, three things are essential:

  1. First of all, becoming aware of what globalism’s plan is, and to what extent it is instrumental to the establishment of the kingdom of the Antichrist, since it shares its principles, means, and ends;

2. Secondly, firmly denouncing this infernal plan and asking the Shepherds of the Church – and also the laity – to defend her, breaking their complicit silence: God will demand of them an account for their desertion;

3. Finally, it is necessary to pray, asking the Lord to grant each one of us the strength to resist – resistite fortes in fide, Saint Peter warns us – against the ideological tyranny that is daily imposed on us not only by the media but also by the cardinals and bishops who are under Bergoglio’s thumb.

"If we can prove ourselves strong in facing this trial; if we know how to hold ourselves anchored to the rock of the Church without allowing ourselves to be seduced by false christs and false prophets, the Lord will permit us to see – at least for now – the defeat of the assault of the children of darkness against God and men.”

“If out of fear or complicity we follow the prince of this world, denying our Baptismal promises, we will be condemned with him to inexorable defeat and eternal damnation.”

“I tremble for those who do not realize the responsibility that they have before God for the souls that He has entrusted to them.”

“To those who fight courageously to defend the rights of God, the Nation, and the Family, the Lord assures his protection. He has placed His Most Holy Mother at our side, the Queen of Victories and the Help of Christians. We invoke Her faithfully during these difficult days, confidently certain of Her intervention.”

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Our Lady of Victory, Pray for Us.