Behind the Lie of Communism

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Behind the smile is hidden oppression, murder, and subjugation.

In 1957, Bishop Fulton Sheen testified as a Staff Consultant before the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Sheen’s insights into the ideological fallacies of communism provide valuable insight into the radical agenda promulgated by the Un-American elites and their political hacks in the 21st century. Listen and heed Bishop Sheen’s warning shots across the American constitutional landscape:

“Communism is not an economic system; communism is basically a philosophical system, which was born of the marriage of two unmarriageable and unproductive units….not based on reality. The existence of God and private property are both denied simultaneously by communism.”

“If a man has no soul, he cannot allege that he has any relationships with anyone outside of the state. If he has no property, he is dependent upon the state even for his physical existence. Therefore the denial of God and the denial of freedom are both conditions of slavery.”

Bishop Sheen continued:

“The goal of communism is the complete subjection of mankind to a totalitarian system which would deny both internal and external freedom.”

As to why communism has made such strides in the last 50 years, Bishop Sheen observed:

“One reason is the spiritual vacuum that has been created in the world. The modern world has lost its faith, it has lost its goal and its purpose. And communism comes into a world that is sick with relativism, and offers an absolute, and men find a loyalty and a dedication and a consecration which gives them great faith in a political system, without imposing any individual morality.”

When asked why there is no place for God in communism, Sheen elucidates an important reality:

“ A man is free on the inside because he has a soul that he can call his own. Wherever you have the spirit you have freedom. Now, freedom must have some external guaranty of itself. The external guaranty of human freedom s property. A man is free on the inside because he can call his soul his own; he is free on the outside because he can call something he has his own. Therefore private property is the economic guaranty of human freedom. That is why the existence of God and private property are both denied simultaneously by Communism. If a man has no soul, he cannot allege that he has any relationships with anyone outside of the State.”

“Therefore the denial of God and the denial of freedom are both conditions of slavery.”

“The goal of communism is the complete subjugation of mankind to a totalitarian system which would deny both internal and external freedom.”

Papal Encyclicals on Communism

Quadragesimo Anno

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