Pope Francis, Communism and the New World Order


Connecting the Dots Radio Interview with Dan Happel-March 22, 2020

Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope in the long history of the Catholic Church, and came to the Papacy in a most interesting way. We will look at the unusual circumstances and personalities that propelled Francis into the Papacy, and what his presence means for the future of the Church.

The mysterious resignation of conservative Pontiff Benedict XVI and the ascendancy of Pope Francis was seen by many as an open COUP D’ETAT against traditional Catholicism.  Pope Benedict and his predecessors had consistently supported the traditional tenets of The Church which were distinctly pro-life and grounded in personal responsibility. The Vatican had stood solidly against secular humanism and totalitarianism of all sorts including fascism and communism. The Holy See had unwaveringly supported human life, individual rights and Biblical teachings; seeing societal decay and moral relativism as a very real threat to the future of Christianity.

The election of Pope Francis was the first time in the history of the Church that an confessed socialist had ever occupied the most revered station in Christendom. Moreover, Francis is openly globalist and supports a version of environmentalism that stretches the position of the Church to embrace Pagan principles.

Francis has changed the face of the Vatican and is openly calling for an end to national sovereignty and promotes global government while sheltering pedophiles and degenerates within the church hierarchy. He embraces the concept of a world religion and openly supports Chinese communist leadership that attacks all forms of religious expression and individual rights. He is virulently Anti-Trump and is outspokenly Anti-American on many issues. His agenda conflicts with Biblical teachings in many ways, and his station as the head of the Christian world challenges the faith of many and tarnishes the image of the Catholic church at a critical time in world history.