Faith And Reason Episode 52-Southern Poverty Law Center, Satan Clubs and Steubenville

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The culture war has taken a drastic turn for the worse with the emergence of overt Satanism in all parts of society.

Satanists are even demanding protection for abortion, viewing the evil practice as their unholy sacrament. 

Will society continue its slide into total moral degradation by approving this openly demonic call for abortion? Or will Christians respond with enough prayer and works of mercy to stop the forces of Hell? Meanwhile in the Catholic Church, Pope Francis continues gathering allies into his inner circle, while bishops throughout the world punish flourishing Catholic communities grounded in faith and tradition. 

Will the crack down on the Latin Mass and holy priests ever stop? Join LifeSiteNews co-founder John-Henry Westen, Liz Yore, and Fr. James Altman for an in-depth analysis of these events and more in this latest episode of Faith and Reason. 

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas confronts Pfizer Director of Research Jordan Trishton Walker who claimed in an undercover video that Pfizer was exploring ways to mutate covid.

The Spiritual War with Truth under Assault by the people of the Lie. Keep your eyes on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the wall at Ignazio’s Pizza in Brooklyn, NY.