An Unholy Alliance Wikileaks: Pope Francis and Soros
Among the many smoking guns uncovered in the Wikileaks data dump, lurks documents that should give Catholics great concern. The latest Wikileaks data dump of internal records from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation exposes the most shocking of all his political alliances. According to the leaked Open Society Foundation documents, George Soros funds efforts to promote his radical socialist agenda of income inequality by using the bully pulpit of Pope Francis. Soros seeks to “engage the Pope on economic and racial justice issues” by lobbying the Vatican.
The unholy alliance and strategic plan is exposed in the leaked Open Society U.S. Board Meeting May 2015 book on page 16:
Pope Francis Visit – $650,000 (USP) “Pope Francis’ first visit to the United States in September will include a historic address to Congress, a speech at the United Nations, and a visit to Philadelphia for the “World Meeting of Families. In order to seize this moment, we will supportPICO’s organizing activities to engage the Pope on economic and racial justice issues, including using the influence of Cardinal Rodriguez, the Pope’s senior advisor, and sending a delegation to visit the Vatican in the spring or summer to allow him to hear directly from low-income Catholics in America.”
The purpose of the Soros/Vatican collaboration skewers political to influence the 2016 U.S. Elections, thus securing the presidency for Soros’ handpicked candidate, Hillary Clinton.
“The grant will also support FPL’s media, framing, and public opinion activities, including conducting a poll to demonstrate that Catholic voters are responsive to the Pope’s focus on income inequality, and earning media coverage that drives the message that being “pro-family” requires addressing growing inequality. By harnessing the Papal visit to lift up the Pope’s searing critique of what he calls “an economy of exclusion and inequality” and his dismissal of “trickle down” theories, PICO and FPL will work to build a bridge to a larger conversation about bread-and-butter economic concerns and shift national paradigms and priorities in the run-up to the 2016 presidential campaign.”
The Soros’ foundation clearly views Pope Francis as an important ally in the Soros income inequality socialist movement and in the prelude to the 2016 U.S. election. Notice how the radical leftists in the Soros reframe the words pro family as “growing inequality.” This grant description highlights the hijacking of language by the left by exploiting and twisting words for its own radical political advantage. Its perennial partner in promoting the transformational language is the leftist media.
Pope Francis and Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga
Another fascinating nugget in the Soros board meeting notes exposes its cozy relationship with Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga, the Vice Pope, and close confidante of Pope Francis. Cardinal Oscar Maradiaga of Honduras is described by the Soros operatives as ‘using his influence’ within the Vatican to promote the Soros radical economic inequality narrative. Clearly, Maradiaga has been identified by the Soros empire as a key player in the global radical income redistribution movement. And, indeed, Maradiaga rails against American capitalism at every opportunity. Soros’ team knows that Maradiaga will happily promote this initiative within the Vatican and, most importantly, with Pope Francis, his close friend.
Who is PICO, the $650,000 grant recipient who will organize activities to engage the Pope on economic and racial justice activities?
According to KeyWiki, PICO is a progressive national network of faith-based organizations. Like health care reform, this newest PICO initiative aims to redistribute wealth by demanding that “faith leaders step into the big banks’ boardrooms.” PICO National Network initially received a $600,000 grant from Soros’ Open Society Institute. It was founded in 1972 by John Baumann, a Jesuit priest trained in Saul Alinsky community organizing in Chicago in the 1960s. It was later patterned after COPS, a San Antonio, Texas project of Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation. The Open Society Institute describes PICO as “a network of congregation-based community organizations which brings the voices of people of faith and faith leaders to the public debate on national priorities.”
Soros tracks and funds its Vatican influence through PICO, among others. Open Society Foundation(OSF) recognizes that money spent at the Vatican is money well spent toward the global socialist Soros agenda. They’ve identified Cardinal Oscar Maradiaga as a key insider who is sympathetic and willing to promote the globalist cause. He will be a powerful ally and sympathetic ear to the Soros agenda, while Pope Francis uses the papal pulpit to promote the ideas.
Another important group that is financially supported by Soros is the FPL standing for Faith in Public Life. FPL receives strict instructions in the grant. Unwittingly, OSF also reveals the manipulation and stagecraft employed by the Left to skewer public opinion. OSF shockingly concedes that the polling results by FPL are preordained by Soros, as set forth in the grant:
“FPL’s media, framing, and public opinion activities, including conducting a poll to demonstrate that Catholic voters are responsive to the Pope’s focus on income inequality, and earning media coverage that drives the message that being “pro-family” requires addressing growing inequality.”
There you go. FPL receives its marching orders from its funder to conduct a poll and demonstrate that Catholic voters support Pope Francis on income inequality. Would you ever trust a poll again after seeing the collusion and connivance of the Leftist Soros philanthropy? Who is Faith in Public Life? The innocuous and religious sounding organization is another radical leftist Soros funded organization that drives the left’s agenda in the faith community;
In 2011 the American Thinker exposed the individuals behind FPL and their leftist organization. Who could be against an organization that innocuously calls itself “faith in public life.” FPL is yet another of hundreds of Soros funded satellite organizations masquerading as well-meaning philanthropies which, in reality,promote his radical economic agenda of anti-capitalism and global redistribution, using community organizing tactics.
How fortuitous that Soros found such a popular partner perched on the highest spiritual global platform, one who will promote the leftist agenda using the merciful language and political tactics of the papacy. Catholics serve as a huge and influential voting block in the U.S. election. For Soros, using the head of the Catholic Church to influence this key voting block is reflected in the OSF strategic planning notes. Swing the Catholic vote to the Soros Democratic candidate, and George Soros can dominate the American Presidency. This is not the first time that the unholy alliance of Soros and the Vatican successfully collaborated on a political project.
In 2015, the Soros operatives, embedded in the Vatican, directed Pope Francis’ Environmental Agenda, by delivering for Soros and the UN, an Apostolic Exhortation on Climate Change, and a prized papal endorsement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Pope’s apostolic blessing on the Paris Climate Treaty. Soros won the environmental trifecta sealed and delivered by Pope Francis.
With the Soros-driven environmental deliverables now achieved by Pope Francis, it is now time to turn to item #2 on the Soros radical socialist agenda: global redistribution of wealth. Apparently, Soros knows that, once again, Pope Francis will assist in promoting the Soros socialist agenda. Stay tuned, Catholics, for contrived polling data that reflects your overwhelming support for more global and carbon taxes to redistribute your income more equally. Soros will use the Vatican to promote Hillary, his hand-picked presidential candidate.
You’ve been forewarned.