The Pope’s Boss
Over a decade ago, with typical hubris, George Soros bragged, that he “is the Pope’s boss, now.” It appears that his boast became a self-fulfilling prophecy in the Francis pontificate.
The two most powerful men in the world joined forces to form a curious and troubling alliance. One of them, often referred to as the most dangerous man in the world, the other, the Vicar of Christ.
Within a few short months of Argentine Bergoglio’s papal election, the Soros inner circle was firmly entrenched at the Vatican, calling the shots, drafting documents, setting the Soros political agenda with the power and moral persuasion of the Vatican. The global eco movement finally found their critical missing component, the voice of moral authority. The greenies can now deposit their feckless leaders, Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio and Michael Moore in the recycle bin.
As the recent WIKILEAKS Soros data dump demonstrates, the billionaire Soros’ tentacles entangle policies and create chaos in countries around the globe through his legions of operatives at his Open Society philanthropies.His money funds extremist groups seeking to topple capitalism, and promote radical environmentalism global order. His coterie of advisors spans the globe in positions of influence and power, carrying out his radical agenda.
Although Open Society funds radical Catholic groups, Soros was unable to capture the papacy as his ultimate prize in world domination because the two previous conservative Popes steadfastly opposed his radical agenda.
Until now.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, George Soros, and Jeffrey Sachs
The environmental movement desperately needed a new dazzling demagogue to bolster its sputtering global warming cause and silence its critics under pain of criminal felonies or mortal sin.
On March 13, 2013, with the sudden and unexpected regime change in Vatican City, Soros and his UN operatives understood that the climate instantly warmed and opportunities abounded with the new leftist Argentine pontiff. George Soros could not have imagined a more perfect partner on the world stage, one he has been searching for his entire career: a major religious leader pontificating as the moral authority for the environmental, borderless countries, mass migration, and pro-Islamic movements.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, Bishop Sorondo, and Pope Francis
Enter, Jorge Bergoglio, the smiling, all merciful Argentine.
Within weeks of the Francis election, Soros’ collaborator, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon paid the obligatory courtesy visit to the new pontiff, and Moon knew something had dramatically changed at the Vatican. After his papal visit, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon announced to the world, “ We discussed a need to advance social justice and accelerate the world to meet MDGs and the Sustainable Development Goals. (SDGs) We also talked about the need for all of us and the world to advance the dignity and human rights, especially for women and girls.” Shockingly, the newly elected Vicar of Christ seemingly blessed the radical pro-abortion MDGs and SDGs, but this was only the beginning of the Soros coup at the Holy See.
In the words of UN Foundation (another Soros beneficiary) Vice Chair Timothy Wirth, famously known for his condom tree at his previous State Department post said: “We’ve never seen a pope do anything like this. No single individual has as much global sway as he does. What he is doing will resonate in the government of any country that has a leading Catholic constituency.”
The friendly papal reception resonated among the global elites. Alleluia! Francis gave the green light to the controversial abortion laden, gender bending, feminist driven Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and their offspring, the SDGs.
Jeffrey Sachs, Special Advisor to UN Secretary General on the MDGs also enjoys a 30 year long economic relationship as a Soros stalwart, close advisor and grantee of Soros’ millions. Sachs headed to the Vatican to craft the blueprint for the Vatican’s rollout of the theology of global warming.
Immediately, the UN through its Soros-infused stable of experts began to dominate the Vatican agenda by silencing and banishing any opposing views on the science of global warming. Happily for Soros and the UN, Pope Francis only wanted to “dialogue” with one side of the climate debate.
The Soros Brain Trust at the Vatican-The Green Dream Team
George Soros, Joseph Stiglitz, and Jeffrey Sachs
Jeffrey Sachs, Economist, Director of Columbia University’s Earth Institute, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General, and long time Soros collaborator and beneficiary. Since 1989, economist Jeffrey Sachs has served as Soros’ peripatetic globe trotting expert promoting his controversial “shock therapy” by lifting currency and price controls, and various other fast paced tactics to introduce countries into the free market economy with mixed results. Sachs rebounded with the assistance of Soros and heads the Earth Institute at Columbia U and reconfigured his skill sets as the UN poverty czar directing the Millenium Villages project with the assistance of $50 million from Soros. Now firmly transformed as a poverty expert, and environmental guru, Sachs built his fiefdom at the United Nations with Soros dollars and transformed into a poverty expert and environmental alarmist, as master of global warming catastrophe handwringing.
Within three months of the Bergoglio election, Jeffrey Sachs, close Soros confidante, is featured as the premiere Vatican speaker, expert, author, and cheerleader of the Francis Eco Theology. Sachs became a permanent fixture at the Vatican, with 10 Vatican addresses promoting the SDGs. Sachs orchestrated the Vatican environmental agenda, by building momentum and consensus for the SDGs. With the input of many other Soros acolytes at the Vatican, they wrote the Vatican’s radical climate change manifesto, Climate Change and Our Common Home in anticipation of the coup de grace, the Papal Exhortation, Laudato Si.
Joseph Stiglitz, Economist, Soros Co-Author and Collaborator and Open Society Grantee, Member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
He has been called the Soros’ economist and his point man. Not surprisingly, he and Soros co authored books together. He is Joseph Stiglitz, who heads the Soros-funded Initiative for Policy Dialogue, which promotes the institution of “a new international currency” and of an international taxation system. Stiglitz also serves a key role in the Francis/Soros Eco Revolution as a member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS) which housed and operates as the command center for the Papal Eco Plot. Stiglitz, like Sachs, serves as a long time Soros collaborator, consultant. Soros and Stiglitz often serve as co-panel members at major global conferences, and Soros provided seed money for another radical organization, Stiglitz’s Socialist International Group. Stiglitz and Sachs also co-wrote the Vatican’s radical environmental manifesto, Climate Change and the Common Good with other Soros allies. Interestingly and significantly, Stiglitz also serves as the longtime economic advisor to Argentine President Cristina Kirchner and her husband, the former President, fellow Peronists along with Pope Francis.
Successfully embedded at the Vatican lurk George Soros’ closest collaborators to carry out his radical leftist global environmental strategy with the blessing and assistance of the Holy See. Yet, more Soros acolytes populated the Vatican.
The Soros/Vatican Mission Control: Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences serves as the Vatican’s Academic Think Tank. Its Chancellor, Argentine Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, a radical progressive was suddenly empowered to carry out his extremist agenda when his fellow Argentine Bergoglio assumed the Seat of Peter.
During 2013-2015, the Academy frenetically and effectively provided cover for the UN/Soros/SDGs plot that was hatched and implemented under Sorondo’s leadership as he opened wide the doors for the Soros allies. Bishop Sorondo deflected criticism over the Vatican’s sudden and unusually cozy UN relationship. The testy Sorondo remarked in response to serious concerns that the Vatican was letting itself become a platform for the United Nations to promote its own agenda. Bishop Sorondo defended the UN and remarked, “the United Nations is not the devil. Rather, quite the opposite.” Sorondo seems to imply that the UN is on some mission from God.
But, as the saying goes, the devil is in the details and the details include George Soros’ team.
The Soros Brain Trust of Sachs and Stiglitz led the papal revolt to promote the UN/Soros climate change agenda with the help of the other Soros benefactors.
The Soros/UN Cronyism at the Vatican
Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, Chancellor of the Vatican Pontifical Academy (PASS), sits on the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Advisory Council with Ted Turner and Jeffrey Sachs. Sorondo was recently honored by the UN Foundation, one of George Soros’ philanthropies, for his work promoting SDGs and Laudato Si.
Jeffrey Sachs, longtime confidante and collaborator of Soros economic brain trust co-wrote the Vatican Document Climate Change and the Common Good. Sachs spoke prominently at the Vatican PASS at least 9 times on the climate change catastrophe. Soros gave tens of millions funding many of Sachs’ UN development projects in Africa.
Partha Dasgupta, member of PASS, co-wrote the Vatican document on Climate Change and the Common Good. Dasgupta served on Sachs’ Earth Institute External Advisory Board, along with George Soros.
Peter Raven, Member of PASS, co-wrote the Vatican document on Climate Change and the Common Good. Raven collaborated with the population control radical Paul Erhlich’s research which served as the basis for the controversial and discredited book, The Population Bomb. He, too served on Sachs’ Earth Institute Advisory Board, along with George Soros. Raven served on the executive committee of George Soros International Science Foundation for the USSR.
Joseph Stiglitz, member of PASS, and long time collaborator of George Soros, co-author of books with Soros, as head of Socialist Internationalist, Stiglitz received funding from Soros for the Socialist International , and decades long economic advisor of the Argentine Socialist Presidents, Cristina and Nestor Kirchner.
Hans Schellnhuber, newly appointed member of PASS, he co-wrote the Vatican document on Climate Change and Climate Good. He is a German scientist and a member of FuturICT, an organization funded by George Soros. He is also vocal and strident proponent of population control.
Naomi Klein-anti capitalist Marxist and radical environmentalist who was invited by Pope Francis to lead a conference on the environment in June 2015. Klein is a member of a George Soros funded environmental group called Klein has been outspoken about the need to overturn capitalism and like, Sachs and Stiglitz, spoke at and supported Occupy Wall Street (Soros Funded) demonstrations in October of 2011.
Emma Bonino Pope Francis met with Bonino to the shock and horror of Catholics. She is a prominent member of Soros’ Global Board of the Open Society Foundations, his major funding philanthropy. Bonino, an Italian politician, is also known as Italy’s female abortionist who has personally performed thousands of abortions, although not even a medical doctor.Pope Francis called her a “one of Italy’s greats” which is akin to calling Kermit Gosnell, one of America’s greats.
Climate Change, not Catholicism on the Vatican Agenda
Sachs and his Soros allies timed their work at the Vatican with strategic precision. On May 25, 2015, the Pope released his eagerly anticipated environmental exhortation, Laudato Si, which called for the passage of the SDGs. On September 25, 2015, the UN scheduled Pope Francis to address the United Nations General Assembly, urging approval of the SDGs, which fortuitously passed on that date.
Francis proudly boasted that he hoped his environmental encyclical, Laudato Si, would be used to promote the passage of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in September 2015, and followed by the passage of the Paris Climate Treaty (Cop 21) in December 2015. Jeffrey Sachs acknowledged that Pope Francis and his encyclical “Laudato Si made the adoption of both the passage of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Sept. 2015 and the Paris Climate Agreement in December 2015 possible.”
An eleventh commandment is declared: Thou must reduce your carbon footprint.
By the end of 2015, the Soros syndicate had delivered to its patron, George Soros, a 185 page global warming papal exhortation, passage of the SDGs, and most importantly, the green light to begin the implementation of the Paris Climate Treaty, global redistribution of wealth through carbon taxes on the industrialized world.
Mission Accomplished, Mr. Soros.
Soros and Bergoglio–a match made in the celestial ecosystems. Their carbon footprints align on many political issues. George Soros is the largest landowner in Argentina (half a million hectares) with more than 150,000 head of cattle, and he also owns massive Argentine financial assets. Jorge Bergoglio, the first Latin American Pope, the Peronist Argentine with a deep concern for the struggling Argentine economy. Two sides of the Argentine peso, one native born pontiff with deep Vatican Bank pockets, the other, a global billionaire power broker with even deeper pockets.
Both love power and chaos, Francis known for his infamous refrain “make a mess, create chaos,” and Soros for his cryptic “discern the chaos and become rich.” Both men understand that they emerge more powerful when institutions and governments are destabilized. Jorge and George, identical political globalist ideologues: environmentalists, pro-Iran, pro-UN, pro-Cuba, pro-Argentina, pro-mass migration, pro-borderless world, anti death penalty, and, anti-Trump.
George Soros is now the boss of Pope Francis.
It’s an inconvenient truth.